GDPR Compliance

Our Privacy Policy contains mentions of the few instances where personally identifiable information is required. Typically, this will include an email address in order to log in to Immersive Brands or a social network username in order to manage your account.

Overall, we aim for privacy by default: if data collection is not integral to the way our product works, then we won’t collect it. This approach has felt very much in line with the spirit of GDPR, and we’re fortunate that a lot of these data-collection practices have been in place at Immersive Brands for some time. As such, you may see a few banners or forms requesting consent for us to collect personally identifiable information for tracking or other purposes. We don’t deem this information necessary to provide Immersive Brands service to you, and we choose not to engage in activities and strategies that make this data relevant.

At any time, you may request your information to be exported and sent to you for review, and we promptly honor any requests by you to have your information deleted and forgotten.


Data Mapping


We are auditing all areas of Gift of Knowledge to determine what personal data we collect and for what purpose. In a case where collecting personal data is not essential, we are removing that collection process.


Privacy Policy


We updated our privacy policy to include appropriate terms and language so it’s easy to understand, and that it communicates clearly any instances of personal data collection.




We will add a cookie notice to all marketing pages and blogs in order to comply with the E-Privacy Directive. We do not collect personally-identifiable information with our cookies, but we do want to acknowledge the use of cookie technology on our website.




A user has the right to request that we delete all of their personal data. Users who wish to inquire about the right to be forgotten will be able to reach out to us at any time.


Access / Portability


In Gift of Knowledge, if a user asks to change their information, we can do so within our admin portal. If a user has a modification to make, they can reach out to us at




We commit to displaying a list of all current sub-processors in use by Immersive Brands. A sub-processor includes any third party that we share personally identifiable information with.

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